Harvest Moon Race October 17-18 2008 Galveston to Port Aransas 150 nm
Before the Start > Start > Finish Challenge > Port Aransas > Comment by Skipper and Crew
The HMR is normally a regatta in sunny and light wind conditions. Not in 2008. For more information of the Harvest Moon Race see the official HMR web site.
Just off Kemah, Jim and Gerry.
Tom at the helm comparing HMR to Sydney Hobart
Tom before the race
Gerry scanning the Galveston Bay for Debris with a capital "D" after Ike
Tom, Gerry and Doug proving that you can sail looking aft
Nice sail out of Galveston Bay. Nice strong tide out as well. Makes for a fast run for the start. The law of unintended consequences will follow us to Port Aransas